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Gratitude and Mountain Biking in the Cowichan Valley

I wanted to start my first blog by letting all our Dirt Groms families know how grateful we are for the support of our programs. When I came up with the idea to start a company to teach kids to mountain bike, I never imagined how my idea would blossom into what our Dirt Groms is now.

As some of you know, my original thought was to teach other kids so that Raymond, our grandson, would have friends that mountain biked. Our first group had 8 kids and very shortly after, I started getting emails asking for more programs, including teaching adults. Parents who saw their children having so much fun with us decided they wanted to learn too. Did you know that we have taught entire families to ride - Mum, Dad and their kids? When I see families out on the trails, riding together, my heart soars.

We have added so many programs since that first one and I'm especially proud of my Ladies Only groups. I can remember learning myself and I only had men to ride with and all I did was try to keep them in sight (and usually didn't). After coaching our Ladies groups, I smile all the way home.

All our Dirt Groms participants feel like one big family to us and this has been the most rewarding thing we have ever done. Thank you again, Michele

PS This picture is my first attempt at trying to do a wheelie - it's never too late to learn and I'm determined!


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