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Whistler Summer Holidays


This Summer, Alan, Raymond and I enjoyed our 5 week holiday at Whistler and loved all the Dirt Groms families that came to visit us. It's so fun showing others all the great activities at Whistler as well as the Whistler Mountain Bike Park. We invited some Dirt Groms friends of Raymond's to stay with us in that time and it was very special for Raymond to have a buddy to ride with and to be a guide on the bike park. For some of these kids, it was their first time at Whistler and then to add in the bike park, it was mind blowing for them. Until you actually ride there and see the variety of terrain and features, it's hard to imagine it. Most days were spent at the bike park and we would end the day with a swim at Lost Lake. Raymond and his friends also loved going to the dirt jump park and practising their skills there. I enjoyed some good hiking on the Little Burn, Big Burn, Heart Burn trail system, a 7km steep climb and even convinced a couple of friends to join me - it's a grind! We also had some great cross country rides on the Lost Lake trails and road riding up to the Callaghan Ski area. Although our holidays are always active ones, we felt rested and ready to get back to leading our groups and Raymond was excited to ride his local trails again. Next year, we are planning to choose a specific week where other Groms families can join us - how fun will a group ride be on the bike park?

We are not well into our Fall programs and loving all the new families that have joined our programs. We are also grateful for those families that continue to join our weekly rides. We get great feedback from parents about how much improvement they have seen in their kids after riding with us and how they love the community of riders that we have brought together.

Happy Fall everyone,



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